Europe's Research & Innovation Potential is key to addressing significant economic and societal issues while effectively progressing Europe's dual (green and digital) transition. IP4OS is committed to orchestrating and assisting in creating robust strategies for successfully valorising and disseminating research knowledge. We advocate generating value from multiple angles using a complementary application of agile management of intellectual properties and open science practices.
Our goal is to dispel misunderstandings and rigid methods and fill in knowledge gaps. We work to widen the understanding of how Intellectual Property management and Open Science practices can work together in a beneficial and supportive manner in research. An exhaustive survey of good practices and opportunities forms the basis of our work, enabling professionals and their organisations to valorise Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) research findings with the most effective Intellectual Property tools.
We form multi-professional teams within research-performing organisations throughout European member states; these teams implement advanced valorisation strategies to assist researchers. We demonstrate the advantages of Intellectual Property while promoting the open dissemination of results — taking into account as open as possible and as closed as necessary.